How to Host Project Zomboid Server: A Step-by-Step Guide for Survival Fans

How to Host Project Zomboid Server

Project Zomboid is a zombie survival game that lets you create and explore a post-apocalyptic world with your friends.

You can scavenge for resources, craft weapons and tools, build bases, fight zombies, and more.

But how do you host a Project Zomboid server, where you and your friends can play together online?

An image to Illustrate: how to host project zomboid server
Project Zomboid is a thrilling and immersive zombie survival game that you can play with your friends online. Discover how to host a Project Zomboid server and create your own post-apocalyptic world/ PHOTO: Bing Designer

In this article, we will show you how to host a Project Zomboid server in 4 easy steps.

We will also cover the requirements, tips, and troubleshooting for running a server.

By the end of this article, you will be able to host your own Project Zomboid server and enjoy a thrilling and immersive zombie survival experience.

Step 1: Download and Install the Server Files

The first thing you need to host a Project Zomboid server is to download and install the server files.

You can do this either through Steam or through SteamCMD.

Steam is the easiest way, but SteamCMD gives you more control and flexibility.

Here are the instructions for both methods:

Through Steam

  • Navigate to your Steam library and filter for tools
  • Locate ‘Project Zomboid Dedicated Server’ and download/install it
  • Note: Do not launch the server via Steam. If accidentally done, verify the integrity of the files.

Through SteamCMD

  • SteamCMD is the command-line version of Steam. The Valve Developer wiki has instructions on how to download and configure SteamCMD1.
  • Once you have downloaded and extracted SteamCMD to the folder of your choosing, run it by executing steamcmd.exe from a command line.
  • You can now set up the installation directory where the dedicated server files will be stored. The following is an example of setting the download directory to its own separate folder on the C: drive. You can choose wherever you would like to store the server files.
    force_install_dir C:\PZServer


    • For Linux users, the server will install to /home/<MYOURUSERNAME>/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Project Zomboid Dedicated Server/ unless specified otherwise.
    • Once you have set the install directory to your preference, login anonymously to Steam:
    login anonymous


    • Next, download the Project Zomboid dedicated server files:
    app_update 380870 validate


    • Once you see the message “Success! App ‘380870’ fully installed”, close SteamCMD:

    : Forward the Required Ports

The next thing you need to host a Project Zomboid server is to forward the required ports.

Port forwarding is a process that allows other computers to connect to your server through the internet.

You need to forward the following ports on your router or firewall:

  • 8766 UDP
  • 16261 UDP

The exact steps for port forwarding vary depending on your router or firewall model.

You can find guides for different routers and firewalls on the Port Forward website.

Alternatively, you can use software like UPnP PortMapper to automatically forward the ports for you.

Step 3: Configure the Server Settings

The third thing you need to host a Project Zomboid server is to configure the server settings.

The server settings are the options that control how your server runs, such as the server name, the difficulty, the game mode, the whitelist, the port, and more.

You can configure the server settings either manually or through the in-game server hosting menu.

Here are the instructions for both methods:


  • Go to the folder where you installed the server files and open the server.ini file with a text editor, such as Notepad.
  • This file contains the server settings that you can change according to your preferences. For example, you can change the server name by editing the line ServerName=My PZ Server.
  • Save and close the server.ini file when you are done.

Through the In-Game Server Hosting Menu

  • Launch Project Zomboid and choose the Host option from the main menu.
  • From here, you can set your RAM and use Manage Settings to modify everything about your server, from the way zombies act to the map in use, server mods, PVP, and looting rules and spawns.

Note: By default, the StartServer64 batch file specifies 16GB of starting memory for the server.

Only you know your PC, remember that this will be running mostly 24/7 keep it in mind when setting your memory values:

You must edit the StartServer64 file (Click, Edit with Notepad) and change the -Xms and -Xmx files to the values you want to use for server memory, or the server will fail to start with memory errors.

Step 4: Start Your Server and Connect to It

The final thing you need to host a Project Zomboid server is to start your server and connect to it.

To start your server, follow these steps:

  • Go to the folder where you installed the server files and run the batch file that corresponds to your Windows/PC setup (I.E. Run Batch32 for a 32-bit, Batch64 for a 64-bit)
  • Wait for the server to finish loading and display the message Done.
  • To connect to your server, open Project Zomboid and go to the Join Server menu. Enter the server name and the server address. The server address is the IP address of your computer, followed by a colon and the port number. The port number is the number that you set in the server.ini file, or the default number 16261. For example, if your IP address is and your port number is 16261, your server address is
  • Click on Join and enjoy your server.


Hosting a Project Zomboid server is a great way to enjoy the zombie survival game with your friends online.

In this article, we showed you how to host a Project Zomboid server in 4 easy steps.

We also covered the requirements, tips, and troubleshooting for running a server.

We hope that this article helped you host your own Project Zomboid server and have a thrilling and immersive zombie survival experience.


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