How to Host a Valheim Server: A Guide for Viking Survivors

How to Host a Valheim Server

Valheim is a popular survival game that lets you explore a vast and beautiful world inspired by Norse mythology.

You can play solo or with up to 10 friends, but if you want to have a persistent and stable multiplayer experience, you might want to host your own Valheim server.

This way, you can customize your server settings, invite your clan members, and keep your world online even when you are not playing.

An image to Illustrate: how to host a Valheim server
Valheim is a stunning survival game that lets you explore a Norse-inspired world with up to 10 players. Find out how to host a Valheim server and enjoy the multiplayer co-op mode/PHOTO: Bing Image creator

But how do you host a Valheim server?

This article will show you the steps to set up a dedicated or local server for Valheim multiplayer co-op.

How to host a Valheim server locally

If you only want to play with a few friends, and you don’t mind hosting the game on your own PC, you can host a Valheim server locally.

This is the easiest and cheapest option, but it has some drawbacks.

For example, you will need a good internet connection and a powerful PC to run the server smoothly.

Also, your friends will only be able to join your server when you are online and playing the game.

Here is how to host a Valheim server locally:

  1. Launch Valheim and create or select an existing character.
  2. Click ‘New’ to generate a world and then select it.
  3. Tick the ‘Start Server’ and ‘Community Server’ options if you want your server to show up in the server browser.
  4. Set a password to share with your friends and click ‘Start’.

Your server is now ready and you can invite your friends to join by giving them your server name and password.

How to host a Valheim dedicated server

If you want to have more control and flexibility over your Valheim server, you can host a dedicated server.

This means that you will run the server on a separate PC or a hosting service, and your world will be always online and accessible to your friends.

This option is more complex and costly, but it has some advantages.

For example, you can host more players, customize your server settings, and transfer your existing world to the server.

Here is how to host a Valheim dedicated server:

  1. Download the Valheim Dedicated Server tool on Steam or SteamCMD.
  2. Edit the ‘start_headless_server.bat’ file in the Valheim Dedicated Server folder with your server name, world name, and password.
  3. Forward the ports 2456, 2457, and 2458 on your router to allow the server to communicate with the internet.
  4. Run the ‘start_headless_server.bat’ file to launch the server.
  5. Add your internal IP address to the Steam Server list so you can join your own server.

Your server is now ready and you can invite your friends to join by giving them your external IP address and password.

An image to Illustrate: how to host a Valheim server
Learn how to host a Valheim server locally or dedicate it, and how to join one easily/PHOTO: Bing Images

How to join a Valheim server

Whether you are hosting a local or a dedicated server, you and your friends will need to join the server to play together.

There are two ways to join a Valheim server: through the server browser or the Steam Server list.

Here is how to join a Valheim server:

  • Launch Valheim and create or select an existing character.
  • Click ‘Join Game’ and choose between ‘Community’ or ‘Friends’ servers.
  • Find the server you want to join by searching for its name or IP address.
  • Enter the password if required and click ‘Connect’.

Alternatively, you can join a server through the Steam Server list by following these steps:

  • Open Steam and go to ‘View’ and ‘Servers’.
  • Go to the ‘Favorites’ tab and click ‘Add a Server’.
  • Enter the IP address and port of the server you want to join and click ‘Add this address to favourites’.
  • Select the server from the list and click ‘Connect’.
  • Enter the password if required and click ‘OK’.


Hosting a Valheim server is a great way to enjoy the game with your friends and create your own Viking adventure.

You can host a server locally or dedicate it, depending on your preferences and resources.

You can also join a server through the server browser or the Steam Server list.

Hosting a Valheim server is not too difficult, and it can enhance your multiplayer experience.

I hope this article helped you learn how to host a Valheim server and have fun with your clan.


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