How to Host a Rust Server: A Complete Guide

How to Host a Rust Server

Rust is a popular multiplayer survival game that challenges players to survive in a harsh environment.

An image to Illustrate: how to host a rust server
Do you want to host a Rust server and enjoy the game with your friends or other players? This article will teach you how to host a Rust server step by step, and how to configure, update, and maintain your server/PHOTO COURTESY: Freepik

Rust servers are the online worlds where players can join and interact with each other.

Hosting a Rust server can be a rewarding experience, as you can customize the settings, rules, and mods of your server.

However, hosting a Rust server also requires some technical knowledge and resources.

In this article, we will show you how to host a Rust server step by step and answer some common questions about Rust server hosting.

What You Need to Host a Rust Server

Before you start hosting a Rust server, you need to have some basic requirements.

These include:

  • A computer that meets the minimum system requirements for Rust. According to the official website, you need at least 8 GB of RAM, a 3 GHz processor, and 20 GB of disk space to run a Rust server. However, these requirements may vary depending on the number of players, the map size, and the mods you use.
  • A stable and fast internet connection. You need to have a good upload speed to host a Rust server, as you will be sending data to the players who join your server. The recommended upload speed is at least 10 Mbps, but you may need more if you have a large server with many players.
  • A dedicated IP address. This is a unique identifier for your computer on the internet, which allows players to connect to your server. You can get a dedicated IP address from your internet service provider (ISP), or use a dynamic DNS service (DDNS) to assign a domain name to your IP address. A DDNS service can also help you update your IP address automatically if it changes frequently.
  • A Rust server hosting software. This is the program that runs the Rust server on your computer. You can download the official Rust server software from Steam, or use a third-party Rust server hosting software that offers more features and customization options. Some examples of third-party Rust server hosting software are Rust Server Manager, RustAdmin, and Rusty.

How to Set Up a Rust Server

Once you have the requirements, you can start setting up your Rust server.

The exact steps may vary depending on the Rust server hosting software you use, but the general process is as follows:

  1. Install and run the Rust server hosting software on your computer. You may need to create an account and log in to the software.
  2. Configure the basic settings of your Rust server, such as the server name, description, password, map, seed, and max players. You can also enable or disable features such as PvP, decay, radiation, and voice chat.
  3. Configure the advanced settings of your Rust server, such as the server port, RCON port, save interval, and tick rate. You can also modify the game rules, such as the loot spawn rate, the crafting speed, and the resource gathering multiplier.
  4. Install and update the mods and plugins you want to use on your Rust server. Mods and plugins are additional files that add new content or functionality to your Rust server. You can find and download mods and plugins from websites such as uMod, Oxide, and Rust Workshop. You may need to use a mod loader or a plugin manager to install and update the mods and plugins on your Rust server.
  5. Start your Rust server and test if it works properly. You can join your Rust server by launching Rust on your computer and entering your IP address and port in the console. You can also invite other players to join your Rust server by giving them your IP address and port, or by listing your Rust server on public server browsers.

How to Manage and Maintain a Rust Server

Hosting a Rust server is not a one-time task.

You need to manage and maintain your Rust server regularly to ensure its smooth operation and performance.

Some of the tasks you need to do are:

  • Monitor your Rust server’s status and performance. You can use the Rust server hosting software or a third-party tool to check the CPU, RAM, disk, and network usage of your Rust server.
  • Update your Rust server and the mods and plugins you use. Rust and its mods and plugins are constantly updated by the developers to fix bugs, improve features, and add new content. You can use the Rust server hosting software or a third-party tool to update your Rust server and the mods and plugins automatically or manually.
  • Backup and restore your Rust server’s data. You need to backup your Rust server’s data regularly to prevent data loss or corruption in case of a crash, a power outage, or a malicious attack. You can use the Rust server hosting software or a third-party tool to back up your Rust server’s data to a local or cloud storage.
  • Administer and moderate your Rust server’s community. You need to administer and moderate your Rust server’s community to maintain a friendly and fair gaming environment. You can use the Rust server hosting software or a third-party tool to manage the players on your Rust server, such as banning, kicking, muting, or messaging them.


Hosting a Rust server can be a fun and rewarding way to enjoy the game with your friends or other players.

However, hosting a Rust server also requires some technical skills and resources.

In this article, we have shown you how to host a Rust server step by step.

We’ve also answered some common questions about Rust server hosting.

We hope this article has helped you to set up, run, and manage your own Rust server.

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.


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