How to Host a Dynamic Website on AWS

An image illustrating How to Host a Dynamic Website on AWS
How to Host a Dynamic Website on AWS/PHOTO: Files

This article will guide you through hosting a dynamic Amazon Web Services (AWS) website.

Dynamic websites are web pages that display different content based on user interactions, preferences, or other data inputs.

Unlike static websites, which show the same content to every visitor, dynamic websites can:

  • update information in real time
  • provide personalized experiences
  • interact with databases to fetch or store data

Common examples include social media platforms, e-commerce sites, and online forums.

Benefits of Hosting a Dynamic Website on AWS

It offers several advantages.

AWS provides scalable solutions, meaning your website can easily handle traffic spikes and grow with your business.

AWS also prioritizes security, ensuring your data and user information are protected through advanced security measures and compliance standards.

Additionally, AWS offers a pay-as-you-go model, making it cost-effective as you only pay for the resources you use.

Key AWS services involved in hosting a dynamic website include:

  1. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) for virtual servers
  2. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) for object storage
  3. Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) for managed databases

These services work together to create an excellent hosting environment tailored to the needs of dynamic websites.

How to Choose the Right AWS Services

There are various options for Hosting your website on AWS.

These include:

1. EC2 Instance (with LAMP stack)

This is a virtual server you can use to host your website.

A LAMP stack refers to a set of software: Linux (operating system), Apache (webserver), MySQL (database), and PHP (programming language).


  • You have full control over the server.
  • Flexibility to install and configure software.


  • It requires manual setup and maintenance.
  • Higher learning curve and more time-consuming.

2. Managed Services (Elastic Beanstalk, AWS App Runner)

These are managed services that simplify deploying web applications.

Elastic Beanstalk:

It automatically handles the deployment, from capacity provisioning to load balancing.

It also supports multiple programming languages.

AWS App Runner:

It simplifies deploying containerized web applications and APIs and automatically scales based on traffic.

It is easier to set up with less manual intervention.

This one also supports built-in scalability and maintenance.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hosting Option

  1. Technical Expertise: EC2 requires more hands-on setup and maintenance.
  2. Budget: Managed services might have higher costs due to included automation features.
  3. Scalability Needs: Managed services provide easier scalability options.

Step-by-Step Guide

how to host a dynamic website on aws

EC2 Instance with LAMP Stack Approach

Launch an EC2 Instance

1. Choose an Instance Type:

  • Go to the AWS Management Console and select EC2 from the Services menu.
  • Click on “Launch Instance.”
  • Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), like Amazon Linux 2 (Free tier eligible).
  • Select an instance type (e.g., t2.micro for free tier).

2. Configure Security Groups:

  • Configure a security group to allow HTTP (port 80), HTTPS (port 443), and SSH (port 22) access.
  • Add rules to allow traffic from your IP for SSH and anywhere for HTTP/HTTPS.

3. Launch the Instance:

  • Review and launch the instance.
  • Please create a new key pair, download it, and use it for SSH access.

Install the LAMP Stack

1. Connect to Your EC2 Instance:

Use your key pair to connect with an SSH client (like MobaXterm).

2.  Install Apache, MySQL, and PHP:

  • Update the package manager: sudo yum update -y
  • Install Apache: sudo yum install -y httpd
  • Install MySQL: sudo yum install -y mariadb-server
  • Install PHP: sudo yum install -y php

3. Start and Enable Services:

  • Start Apache: sudo systemctl start httpd
  • Enable Apache on boot: sudo systemctl enable httpd

Deploy Your Website

1. Upload Website Files:

Use SCP (secure copy protocol) to transfer your website files to the EC2 instance.

2. Configure Database:

  • Start MySQL: sudo systemctl start mariadb
  • Secure MySQL: sudo mysql_secure_installation
  • Create and configure your database.

3. Move Website Files to Web Root:

Move your website files to /var/www/html/.

Security Considerations

  • Regularly update software: sudo yum update -y
  • Configure firewalls and security groups properly.
  • Use strong passwords and SSH keys.

Managed Service Approach

Choose and Configure the Service

Elastic Beanstalk

1. Create an Application:

Go to the AWS Management Console and select Elastic Beanstalk.

Click “Create Application,” choose your platform (e.g., PHP), and upload your code.

2. Configure Environment:

Configure environment settings, including scaling and load balancing.

AWS App Runner

1. Create a Service:

Go to the AWS Management Console and select App Runner.

Click “Create Service,” choose your source (e.g., container registry), and configure service settings.

Deploy Your Website

  1. Upload Your Code:

For Elastic Beanstalk, upload your code through the console.

For App Runner, deploy your containerized application.

Additional Considerations for Google-friendliness

1. Scalability

Use Auto Scaling Groups to adjust the number of EC2 instances based on traffic automatically.

Managed services like Elastic Beanstalk and App Runner handle scaling automatically.

2. Database Management

Use Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) for a managed, scalable database solution.

3. Domain Name and SSL Certificate

Use Amazon Route 53 to register a domain and manage DNS.

Also, use AWS Certificate Manager to obtain and manage SSL certificates for secure HTTPS connections.

Following these steps and considerations, you can effectively choose the right AWS services to host your website.

You’ll also ensure it is scalable, secure, and well-managed.


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