How to Host a Minecraft Server on Your PC

How to Host a Minecraft Server on Your PC

Minecraft is a popular sandbox game that allows players to create and explore a virtual world made of blocks.

An image to Illustrate: How to host a minecraft server on your pc
How to host a Minecraft server on your PC: a complete guide. From downloading the server software to setting up port forwarding, this article will teach you everything you need to know about hosting a Minecraft server on your PC/PHOTO COURTESY: Freepik

One of the features of Minecraft is that players can join multiplayer servers and play with other people online.

However, if you want to have more control over your own server, you can also host one on your own PC.

In this article, we will show you how to host a Minecraft server on your PC using the latest version of the game.

What You Need to Host a Minecraft Server on Your PC

Before you start hosting a Minecraft server on your PC, you need to make sure you have the following requirements:

  • A PC with a Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system
  • A stable internet connection with a high upload speed
  • A Minecraft account and the game installed on your PC
  • A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on your PC
  • Enough RAM and disk space to run the server

Steps to Host a Minecraft Server on Your PC

You can host a Minecraft server on your PC by following these steps:

  • Download and install the Minecraft server software from the official Minecraft website
  • Configure and customize your Minecraft server by editing the file or using the GUI
  • Connect to your Minecraft server by entering your IP address and port number in the game
  • Share your Minecraft server with other players by setting up port forwarding on your router or firewall if needed.

How to Download and Install the Minecraft Server Software

The first step to Host a Minecraft Server on your PC is to download and install the Minecraft server software.

You can download the latest version of the server software from the official Minecraft website.

Here are the steps to install the server software on your PC:

  • Create a folder on your PC where you want to store the server files
  • Download the server.jar file from the Minecraft website and save it in the folder you created
  • Run the server.jar file by double-clicking it or using the command line
  • Accept the EULA (End User License Agreement) by opening the eula.txt file and changing the value of EULA from false to true
  • Run the server.jar file again to start the server

How to Configure and Customize Your Minecraft Server

Once you have installed the server software, you can configure and customize your Minecraft server according to your preferences.

You can do this by editing the file, which is located in the same folder as the server.jar file.

This file contains various settings that affect the gameplay, such as:

  • the game mode
  • the difficulty
  • the world name
  • the maximum number of players
  • the whitelist
  • the operators

You can find a detailed explanation of each setting on the Minecraft Wiki.

To edit the file, you can use any text editor, such as Notepad or TextEdit.

You can also use the GUI (Graphical User Interface) that comes with the server software, which allows you to change some of the settings without opening the file.

However, the GUI does not show all the settings, so you may need to edit the file manually for more advanced options.

How to Connect to Your Minecraft Server

After you have configured and customized your Minecraft server, you can connect to it and start playing.

To do this, you need to know the IP address and the port number of your server.

You can find this information by looking at the console or the GUI of the server software.

The IP address is the numerical address that identifies your PC on the internet, and the port number is the number that identifies your server on your PC.

The default port number for Minecraft is 25565, but you can change it in the file if you want.

To connect to your Minecraft server, you need to follow these steps:

  • Launch the Minecraft game on your PC and log in with your account
  • Click on the Multiplayer option and then click on the Add Server button
  • Enter a name for your server the IP address and the port number of your server in the format IP: port (for example,
  • Click on the Done button and then select your server from the list
  • Click on the Join Server button and enjoy playing on your own server

How to Share Your Minecraft Server with Other Players

If you want to share your Minecraft server with other players, you need to make sure that they can connect to your server from their own PCs.

This may require some additional steps, depending on your network setup and your internet service provider.

Here are some possible scenarios and solutions:

  1. If you and the other players are on the same local network (for example, using the same Wi-Fi router), you can simply share your IP address and port number with them and they can connect to your server using the same steps as above.
  2. If you and the other players are on different networks, but your PC has a public IP address (meaning that it is directly accessible from the internet), you can share your public IP address and port number with them and they can connect to your server using the same steps as above. You can find your public IP address by using a website like [What Is My IP].
  3. If you and the other players are on different networks, and your PC has a private IP address (meaning that it is behind a router or a firewall that blocks incoming connections from the internet), you need to set up port forwarding on your router or firewall to allow other players to connect to your server. Port forwarding is a process that redirects incoming connections from a specific port on your router or firewall to a specific port on your PC. You can find instructions on how to set up port forwarding for your router or firewall model on the internet or on the manufacturer’s website. You also need to share your public IP address and port number with the other players and they can connect to your server using the same steps as above.


Hosting a Minecraft server on your PC is a fun and rewarding way to enjoy the game with more freedom and creativity.

I hope this article has helped you learn how to host a Minecraft server on your PC.

If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. Happy gaming!


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