How to Host Multiple Websites on One Server

How to Host Multiple Websites on One Server

An image to Illustrate: how to host multiple websites on one server
Whether you want to create subdomains, addon domains, parked domains, or multisite networks, this article will teach you how to host multiple websites on one server. Learn the benefits, drawbacks, and best practices of doing so/PHOTO COURTESY: Freepik

Hosting multiple websites on one server can be a cost-effective and convenient way to manage your online presence.

However, it also comes with some challenges and risks that you need to be aware of.

In this article, I will explain how to host multiple websites on one server, what are the benefits and drawbacks of doing so, and what are the best practices to follow.

What is Hosting Multiple Websites on One Server?

When you have a website, you need a place to store all its information.

This place is called a server. Normally, each website has its server.

But, you can save money and time by putting more than one website on the same server.

This is like having different parts of your house where you keep your things.

You can do this in a few ways:

1. Subdomains

A subdomain is a prefix that is added to your main domain name, such as or

Subdomains can be used to create separate sections or categories for your website or to host different websites under the same domain name.

2. Addon Domains

An addon domain is a separate domain name that is added to your hosting account, such as or

They can be used to host different websites that are not related to your main domain name or to create multiple versions of your website for different languages or regions.

3. Parked Domains

A parked domain is a domain name that is registered but not used for hosting a website.

Instead, it redirects visitors to another domain name, such as or

Parked domains can be used to reserve domain names for future use, or to protect your brand name from competitors or cybersquatters.

4. Multisite Networks

A multisite network is a feature that allows you to create and manage multiple websites from a single WordPress installation.

Each website in a multisite network has its own domain name, content, and settings, but they share the same WordPress core files, plugins, and themes.

Multisite networks can be used to create websites for different clients, projects, or niches, or to create a community of websites with a common theme or purpose.

What are the Benefits of Hosting Multiple Websites on One Server?

Hosting multiple websites on one server can have several advantages, such as:

  • It’s cheaper because you only need one hosting plan.
  • It’s easier to manage all your websites from one place.
    Your websites might work better because they share the server’s power.

What are the Drawbacks of Hosting Multiple Websites on One Server?

Hosting multiple websites on one server can also have some disadvantages, such as:

  • If something bad happens to one website, it could affect the others.
  • You might not have as much freedom to customize your server.
  • Managing many websites can get complicated.

What are the Best Practices for Hosting Multiple Websites on One Server?

Hosting multiple websites on one server can be a viable option for some website owners, but it requires careful planning and execution.

Here are some best practices to follow if you decide to host multiple websites on one server:

  • A reliable hosting provider that can handle your websites. should be chosen.
  • Use a separate website address (domain) for each website to avoid confusion.
  • Keep the data for each website in separate databases.
  • Put the website files in separate folders to avoid problems.
  • Use a different security certificate for each website.
  • Make backups for each website to keep your data safe.


Hosting multiple websites on one server can be a smart and convenient way to run your online business.

Although, it also comes with some challenges and risks that you need to be prepared for.

By following the best practices mentioned above, you can host multiple websites on one server successfully and safely, and enjoy the benefits of doing so.


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