What’s the Difference Between a Host and a Server: Distinctions Explained!

An infographic illustration of: What’s the Difference Between a Host and a Server
An infographic illustration of: What’s the Difference Between a Host and a Server

If you are interested in web development, networking, or online services, you might have encountered the terms “host” and “server” frequently.

But do you know what they mean and how they differ from each other?

Let’s find out the difference between the two and why it matters.

What is a Host?

A host is any device that is connected to a network and can send or receive data.

It can be a computer, a smartphone, a tablet, a printer, a router, or any other device that has a network interface.

A host can have one or more IP addresses, which are unique identifiers that allow other hosts to communicate with it.

What is a Server?

A server is a special type of host that provides a service to other hosts on the network.

It can be a hardware device or a software application that runs on a host.

It can offer various types of services, such as web hosting, email hosting, file hosting, database hosting, gaming hosting, and more.

A server can have one or more domain names, which are human-readable names that map to the IP addresses of the server.

What are the Differences Between a Host and a Server?

Host Server
Can perform any function on the network Can only perform a specific function that it is designed for
Can act as both a client and a server Can only act as a server, not as a client
Can be online or offline, depending on the user’s choice Is usually online all the time, unless there is a problem or a maintenance
Can be located anywhere on the network, as long as it has a connection Is usually located in a data centre or a server farm, where it has access to high-speed internet, power, cooling, and security

A Table of the Differences Between AHost and A Server


A host and a server are two different concepts that are related to network communication.

A host is any device that is connected to a network and can send or receive data.

A server is a special type of host that provides a service to other hosts on the network.

Knowing what’s the difference between a host and a server can help you understand how:

  • the internet works
  • to create and use online services

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