What is Incoming Mail Server Host Name and How Do You Find It?

What is Incoming Mail Server Host Name?

An image illustration of incoming mail server host name
Setting up your email account on an email client requires knowing your incoming mail server hostname. Find out what it is, how to find it, and what are the common settings for POP3 and IMAP servers/PHOTO: Files

An incoming mail server hostname is the address of the server that receives and stores your emails.

You need to know this information if you want to set up your email account on an email client, such as Outlook, Thunderbird, or your mobile device’s email app.

This article will explain the different types of incoming mail servers, how to find your incoming mail server hostname, and what common settings you need to configure your email account.

POP3 vs IMAP: What are the Differences?

There are two main types of incoming mail servers: POP3 and IMAP.

POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol version 3, and IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol.

They have different ways of handling your emails on the server and your device.

POP3 downloads your emails from the server to your device and deletes them from the server.

This means that you can only access your emails on one device, and you need to back up your emails regularly to avoid losing them.

It is suitable for people who:

  • have limited storage space on the server
  • only check their emails on one device

IMAP synchronizes your emails between the server and your device.

This means you can access your emails on multiple devices, which are always stored on the server.

IMAP is suitable for people who:

  • have enough storage space on the server
  • check their emails on different devices

How Do You Find Your Incoming Mail Server Host Name?

An infographic on How To Find Your Incoming Mail Server
An infographic on How To Find Your Incoming Mail Server

Depending on your email provider, you may be able to find your incoming mail server hostname on their website, in their support section, or your email settings.

Here are some steps you can follow to find your incoming mail server hostname:

  1. Visit your email provider’s website and look for a link that says something like “Support”, “Help”, or “Email Settings”.
  2. Search for “email” or “incoming mail server” and look for a page that explains how to set up your email account on an email client.
  3. Find the section that lists the incoming mail server hostname, the port number, and the type of mail server (POP3 or IMAP). For example, if you use Gmail, your incoming mail server hostname is imap.gmail.com, the port number is 993, and the mail server type is IMAP.
  4. Write down the information you need and return it to your email client to enter the settings.

Common Incoming Mail Server Settings

The incoming mail server settings you need may vary depending on your email provider and the type of mail server you use.

However, there are some common settings that you may encounter:

  • Host Name: This is the address of the incoming mail server. It usually consists of the name of your email provider and a domain name, such as outlook.office365.com, pop3.live.com, or imap.gmail.com.
  • Username: This is usually your full email address, such as yourname@contoso.com, yourname@gmail.com, or yourname@hotmail.com.
  • Password: This is the password associated with your email account. You may need to generate an app-specific password if you use two-factor authentication or a security feature on your email account.
  • Port: This is the number that identifies the communication channel between your device and the server. The standard port numbers for POP3 are 110 or 995 (if you use SSL). The standard port numbers for IMAP are 143 or 993 (if you use SSL).
  • SSL: This stands for Secure Sockets Layer, and it is a protocol that encrypts the data between your device and the server. You may need to enable SSL if your email provider requires a secure connection or if you want to protect your emails from hackers and eavesdroppers.


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