How Many Websites Does Wix Host? Types & Pricing Plans

An image illustrating: How Many Websites Does Wix Host?
How Many Websites Does Wix Host/PHOTO: Files

Did you know that Wix, the website-building platform, is like a bustling metropolis on the internet, hosting millions of websites?

Let’s go through its digital streets and uncover just how big its virtual empire truly is.

In the large world of the internet, Wix stands tall as a beacon for those seeking to create their own corner of the web.

It’s more than just a tool; it’s a virtual construction site where dreams of online presence come to life.

Tag along as we unveil a crucial statistic: the number of websites that Wix hosts.

Wix has become the go-to choice for countless individuals and organizations looking to stake their claim in cyberspace, from blogs to businesses.

What is Wix?

Wix is a user-friendly platform that empowers anyone, regardless of technical expertise, to build stunning websites.

With its drag-and-drop interface and a range of customizable templates, Wix makes website creation very simple.

Wix Website Creation

Wix offers a user-friendly platform for building websites, making it accessible even to those without coding experience.

With Wix, you can bring your website vision to life using a range of templates, design features, and customization options.

Wix provides the tools you need to craft a stunning online presence in a:

  • Personal blog
  • Professional portfolio
  • E-commerce store
How Many Websites Does Wix Host

Number of Websites on Wix

While Wix doesn’t publicly disclose the exact number of websites hosted on its platform, estimates suggest there are around 10.8 million websites created using Wix.

This figure underscores the popularity and widespread use of Wix for website building.

Compared to other website builders, Wix holds a significant share of the market, with millions of users worldwide trusting the platform for their online needs.

Types of Wix Websites

Wix caters to a diverse range of website needs, allowing users to create various types of sites tailored to their goals.

Whether you’re a blogger sharing your thoughts with the world, an artist showcasing your portfolio, or a business owner selling products online, Wix has templates and features to suit your needs.

From informational sites to dynamic e-commerce platforms, Wix empowers users to express their creativity and achieve their online goals.

Free vs. Paid Plans

Wix offers both free and paid plans, giving users flexibility based on their requirements and budget.

The free plan allows users to create and publish websites at no cost.

However, it comes with disadvantages such as using a Wix subdomain

(e.g., instead of a custom domain.

Paid plans unlock additional features, including:

  • The ability to connect a custom domain
  • Access to premium templates
  • Increased storage and bandwidth, and more.

Upgrading to a paid plan enhances the professionalism and functionality of your website.

This makes it a useful investment for serious users.


Wix boasts a massive user base with millions of websites created on its platform.

Whether you’re looking for a simple blog or an online store, Wix offers a friendly solution to bring your website vision to life.

While the exact number remains unknown, Wix positions itself as a major player in the website building platform.


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