Does Shopify Host Websites? Find Out The Truth About This Online Store

Does Shopify Host Websites?

An infographic Illustration of: Does Shopify Host Websites?
An infographic Illustration of: Does Shopify Host Websites?

Shopify is one of the most popular and powerful platforms for creating and running an online store.

It offers users a customizable platform, an easy-to-use checkout process, and a wide range of features.

But does Shopify host websites, or do you need to find a separate web host for your online store?

In this article, I’ll tell you the answer to this question, and why it matters for your online business.

Does Shopify host websites?

The short answer is yes, Shopify does host websites.

This means that when you create a Shopify store, your website’s files are automatically stored on Shopify’s servers.

You don’t need to set up or pay for web hosting separately – it’s all included in your monthly Shopify subscription.

This is a huge advantage for Shopify users, as it saves them time, money, and hassle.

You don’t have to worry about finding a reliable and secure web host or configuring your server settings.

You also don’t have to worry about bandwidth limits, storage space, or uptime.

Shopify takes care of all the technical aspects of web hosting for you, so you can focus on building and growing your online store.

How does Shopify compare with other web hosts?

Shopify is not the only option for web hosting your online store.

Many other web hosts offer e-commerce solutions, such as:

How does Shopify compare with these other web hosts, and which one is the best for your online store?

The answer depends on your needs, preferences, and budget.

Each web host has its pros and cons and offers different features, prices, and support.

Here are some of the main factors to consider when comparing web hosts for your online store:

  1. Ease of use: Shopify is one of the easiest web hosts to use, as it offers a user-friendly and intuitive platform. You can create and manage your online store without any coding or technical skills. Other web hosts may require more technical knowledge, or involve more steps and tools to set up and run your online store.
  2. Customization: Shopify offers a high level of customization, as it allows you to choose from hundreds of free and premium themes, and modify them with your logo, colours, fonts, and more. You can also add more features and functionality to your online store with Shopify apps, which are third-party plugins that integrate with Shopify. Other web hosts may offer more or less customization options, depending on their platform and plugins.
  3. Features: Shopify offers a wide range of features, such as inventory management, order fulfilment, marketing tools, analytics, customer service, and more. You can also access more advanced features, such as dropshipping, multilingual support, and multi-currency support, with Shopify plans or apps. Other web hosts may offer different or similar features, depending on their platform and plugins.
  4. Pricing: Shopify offers four pricing plans, ranging from $9 to $299 per month, plus transaction fees. The pricing plans vary in the number of features, staff accounts, and sales channels they offer. You can also get a 14-day free trial to test Shopify before you buy. Other web hosts may offer different or similar pricing plans, depending on their platform and plugins.


Shopify is a web host that specializes in e-commerce and offers a complete solution for creating and running an online store.

It hosts your website’s files on its servers and provides you with a customizable platform, an easy-to-use checkout process, and a wide range of features.

Shopify is one of the best web hosts for online store owners, as it saves them time, money, and hassle.

However, Shopify is not the only option for web hosting your online store, and you should compare it with other web hosts to find the best one for your needs, preferences, and budget.

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